A rare genetic condition of a three year old boy, Fred James, has incapacitated what is otherwise a natural ability to perspire or sweat.

It took quite some time for specialists to diagnose him with a rare genetic condition, called Ectodermal Dysplasia. Now, his parents have learnt to spot the signs of overheating.
Though summer months are enjoyable for the rest of us, it is time to be extremely cautious for this family, as they need to keep things ready incase of overheating. Water sprays, ice packs and fans are always within reach to avert a potential life threatening event.
Throwing an insight into this condition, Diana Perry, chief executive of the Ectodermal Dysplasia Society said that the main concern for its victims is overheating.
During winter months, maintaining adequate body temperature can also pose a problem as victims may not be able to warm up that easily. Most victims have a problem with their teeth as they are too pointed and may often need dentures or implants in the future.