Smokey, a 12-year-old British Shorthair cat, not only soothes her owners, Ruth and Mark Adams with her purr, but simply amazes them.

Her owners, the Adams, say that her ‘cooing’ purr, as they describe it, can even drown out TV and radio shows and phone conversations. ‘She even manages to purr while she eats. The only time she is quiet is when she is asleep. It’s either adorable or annoying, depending on what mood you’re in. You don’t even have to stroke her to start a purring session. Often she’ll do it for no reason.’
Northampton Cats Protection’s representative Diana Johnson who has recruited Smokey as an honorary volunteer to raise awareness of the important cat welfare work the organization does, remarks, 'It is very unusual and I've never found a cat with a purr that is anywhere near as loud.'
Smokey might well purr her way into the Guinness World Records soon.