A twitter mood map developed by a computer scientist has revealed the emotional state of hundreds of millions of Americans.

Also, the country seems happiest on Sundays but saddest on Thursdays.
300 million tweets were analysed, each of which was awarded a mood score based on the number of positive or negative words it contained.
For example, 'diamond', 'love' and 'paradise' indicate happiness, whereas 'funeral', 'rape' and 'suicide' are negative. 'Dentist' is fairly neutral.
A calculation of scores hour by hour created a timed series of mood maps.
"The visualisations are amazing and I think it is absolutely fascinating to see the nation's mood vary in near-real time," New Scientist quoted Johan Bollen of Indiana University in Bloomington, as saying.
Plus, the massive volume of data means the subtleties are lost.
"Twitter offers researchers a unique, live data set that changes by the minute," said Steven Gray at University College London.