It appears that the seven-year itch may just be a marital myth for many couples are most likely to break-up after a decade or more of marriage.

The seven-year itch got its name from the Marilyn Monroe film of the same name, made back in the 1950s, and referred to the idea that cheating becomes impossible to resist after just seven years.
The current study, based on a survey of 90 big family law firms, revealed that most failed marriages fall apart around the 12-year mark.
"This rather dispels the age-old myth about marriages failing after seven years," the New York Daily News quoted Sally Longworth of the Forensic and Investigation Services department at Grant Thornton, the British accountancy group that did the study, as saying.
According to the Daily Mail, the number of couples who divorce for these reasons has increased fourfold in the last two years, in the wake of ever-growing family financial strain.
Yet unfaithfulness is still the reason for more than 25 percent of all divorces.