A 16-month paternal leave can be taken by either mothers or fathers; it can be used anytime up until the child turns eight years old.

The country introduced a first month reserved specifically for fathers under a "use it or lose it" system in 1995, and a second month in 2002.
Under the government proposal, both mothers and fathers would be required to take three months each, or lose them. The remaining 10 months would be divided however the parents wish. But the reserved months have over the years become known as "daddy months" because they are aimed at encouraging fathers to share more of the parental leave.
Parents receive 80% of their salary while on leave, capped at a salary ceiling of around 4,000 euros ($4,360) per month.
Despite great strides in gender equality, Swedish men still earn more than women in general, and as a result men take more of an economic hit by staying home with their children. Forcing parents to "use it or lose it", which means mothers cannot get the months reserved for fathers, the policy therefore encourages dads to stay home.
Women currently claim around some 75% of parental leave, compared to 99.5% when it was introduced in 1974. Parental leave can be used anytime up until the child turns eight years old.
Children are guaranteed a spot in daycare as of the age of 12 months for a very modest sum, making it possible for women to return to work.