
Summer Binge Drinking More In Australians: National Survey

by Dr. Sunil Shroff on Mar 13 2008 4:44 PM

A national survey among Australian drinkers came out with the finding that the rate of binge drinking among them is four times more than the recommended guidelines.

The Australian men consumed an average of 7.6 drinks at a time and this was found to reach its peak during the summer period from December to January

The level of alcohol consumption in women was also found to be beyond the limits. They consumed an average of five drinks over the same period.

The survey results hardly have any effect upon the drinkers. Nearly 80 percent of them did not believe that they indulged in binge drinking during, especially during the holiday period. This defense is despite the finding that, when 1000 drinkers were surveyed, about 20 per cent were found to have gone through the ‘passed out’ phase as a result of drinking.

