Talking to children about current events like the Gulf Oil spill -- and using mathematical terms to do so - can help students develop better reasoning

"Unlike casual chats, these chats about societal issues can both show the real-life value of mathematics to motivate students and improve their number sense," Chiu added.
It was the first international study on how conversations among family members affect students' mathematical aptitude and performance in school. Chiu's findings were based on data from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.
Interestingly, Chiu found that family chats about society and current events are uncommon, regardless of ethnic background or level of affluence.
"Students in richer countries, richer families, or with two parents do not have more family chats about societal issues than other students do," he added.
So these discussions often do more good in families within richer countries.
"In rich countries, most students have rulers, books, calculators and other physical resources, but they do not spend much time with their parents (family involvement)," Chiu said.
"So family involvement becomes more important to student learning in richer countries," Chiu added.
The findings of the study were published in the current issue of Social Forces, an international journal of sociology.