A new study conducted by researchers reveals the reasons that lead to a broken marriage.

Researchers said that higher divorce rate has more to do with "modern" values and attitudes-such as viewing marriage as less sacred-rather than a cause-and-effect relationship.
Swedish scientists have revealed in a study that a specific gene might explain why some women have a hard time committing, or staying committed should they get married.
Researchers found that women who possessed a variation of the oxytocin receptor gene known as A-allele were less likely to get married, as they have a difficulty in bonding with others.
The scientists said that those who had the gene and got married were 50 percent more likely to report "marital crisis or threat of divorce."
A close relationship with your in-laws may change your divorce odds.
But, when a wife reported having a close relationship with her husband's parents, the couple's divorce risk increased by 20 percent.