The Scripps National Spelling Bee had its first joint winners since 1962 after two American teenagers of South Asian heritage took home the coveted trophy.

Hathwar would have been the champion after correctly spelling stichomythia, meaning a dialogue of altercation in Greek drama, the penultimate word on the list.
But then Sujoe came through with the final word, feuilleton, a French-derived noun for a newspaper supplement or soap opera, making him and Hathwar the first joint champions in 52 years.
They will each take home a golden trophy cup and more than $30,000 in cash prizes, savings bonds and reference works.
The boys are also the seventh and eighth youngsters of South Asian heritage since 2008 to win the bee, a nationally televised American institution dating back to the 1920s.
This year's 281 contestants, aged eight to 15, hailed from all 50 states plus the Bahamas, Canada, China, Ghana, Jamaica, South Korea and US military schools overseas.