Media reports indicate that it may not be far away when human skin can resist a speeding bullet.

Although its threads may look fragile, a spider-silk weave is four times stronger than Kevlar, the material used in bulletproof vests.
The bioengineered skin can stop a bullet fired at half speed, New Scientist reported.
But its resistance has its limits: when shot at a full speed of 329 m/s, the bullet pierces the material and travels through it.
An international team worked together to create the new material.
First, transgenic goats and silkworms equipped to produce spider-silk proteins spun out the raw material in the synthetic biology lab at Utah State University.
The modified silk was then wedged between bioengineered skin cells developed by biochemist Abdoelwaheb El Ghalbzouri at the Leiden University Medical Center in the Netherlands. After five weeks of incubation, the hybrid skin was ready for target practice.
Other teams have already developed spider silk for high-tech applications, which range from artificial corneas to brain implants.