James Bond's nemesis in the most recent film likely failed neuroanatomy, said real-life neurosurgeon and scientist Dr. Michael Cusimano of St. Michael's Hospital.

‘A neurosurgeon has revealed that although Bond filmmakers identified the correct part of the brain thought to be involved in the recognition of faces, the placement of the drill was incorrect.’

Dr. Cusimano said, "But Blofeld didn't quite know his brain anatomy and would've probably hit Daniel Craig's vertebral artery and likely killed his character instead. Aiming to erase Bond's memory of faces, the villain correctly identified the lateral fusiform gyrus as an area of the brain responsible for recognizing faces. But in practice, the drill was placed in the wrong area, where it likely would have triggered a stroke or massive hemorrhage." 

He further added, "Although the filmmakers identified the correct part of the brain thought to be involved in the recognition of faces, the placement of the drill was incorrect. The lateral fusiform gyrus is located in the temporal area just in front of the left ear; however Blofeld aimed the drill just below and behind the left ear, where the vertebral artery and bones of the neck are located. In terms of today's precision brain surgery, the villain was nowhere near the brain."
Despite the anatomy fumble, Dr. Cusimano was impressed by Blofeld's grasp of Neuroscience.
Dr. Cusimano said, "Because the lateral fusiform gyrus involved in memory, it's theoretically possible to impair a person's ability to recognize faces. There are documented patients that have 'face blindness' or prosopagnosia. But in this situation, he was so far off, that had Blofeld been my student, he would have surely failed his neuroanatomy."
Spectre opened to global success, breaking box office records in November 2015.