Breast cancer survivors who had been vigorously advised to keep away from soy foods and supplements are having their fears allayed by a recent new study.

Having studied 18,312 women, it was discovered that besides the isoflavones that could act like estrogens, “soy has many anticancer properties, antioxidants, nutrients, micronutrients, or vitamins that may contribute to its beneficial effect on health,” claims study researcher Xiao Oh Shu, a professor of medicine at Vanderbilt Epidemiology Center of Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, Tenn.
Leif Ellisen, MD, PhD, of the Gillette Center for Breast Cancer at the Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center in Boston says, “I used to say ‘the potential negative effects are only theoretical,’ but now I am much more likely to say ‘the good evidence suggests that if anything, soy may be beneficial,’”