A new software tool accurately estimates risk of heart disease, say University of Granada researchers.

Heart conditions increasingly affect working age population, which can make individuals loss potential years of work and productivity.
Understanding the risk for heart conditions by simultaneously using different equations is a key factor in heart disease prevention, which would reduce health spending in the short and long term.
According to the researchers, "during the last decade, the approaches to cardiovascular disease prevention have evolved from isolated interventions on modifiable risk factors to an integral model of intervention strategies based on previous risk quantification and stratification."
One of the factors enabling this change is the increasing availability of tools for the quantification and stratification of the risk of suffering a cardiovascular disease; these tools evaluate a set of individual characteristics, the so-called risk factors.
This is the framework of the study conducted at the University of Granada, which involved a sample including 3 000 patients.
The purpose of these models was to provide an estimation of the risk of suffering a cardiovascular event in the short term, i.e. 5-10 years, by assessing exposure to risk factors.
Risk factors were obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes and lipid profile alterations.
The scientists have published the results of this study in the Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice.