On the event of National No Smoking Day, BMA Scotland urged smokers to quit the habit and help to ensure a smoke-free Scotland for future generations.

Smoking kills over 13,000 people every year in Scotland, which equates to around a quarter of all deaths, and the NHS has to allocate vast resources to treating smoking related illness.
Dr Dean Marshall, Chairman of the BMA's Scottish General Practitioners Committee said:
“Smoking causes lung cancer, heart disease and respiratory problems. It ages skin, makes your breath smell and stains fingers yellow. Every day doctors witness the death and despair caused by smoking. Tobacco is highly addictive and people need support to give up. Most people who smoke tell us they wish they had never started.
“It is essential we break the tobacco trap. Young smokers will become tomorrow’s parents who smoke and they will continue the cycle of smoking-related ill-health and premature death. One of the best ways to prevent children starting to smoke is for their parents to quit. By stopping today, smokers are taking the first step to a tobacco free future for their children.”