A follow-up study on the world’s smallest newborn babies has revealed that they are never able to catch up with their contemporaries in weight and height
A follow-up study on the world’s smallest newborn babies has revealed that they are never able to catch up with their contemporaries in weight and height though their language and motor skills develop along the normal range. The report published in the journal Pediatrics followed up on Baby Rumaisa, age 7, who at 9.2 ounces is the smallest newborn baby, and Baby Madeleine, 22, who was the third smallest baby at 9.9 ounces.
The report found that their height and weight velocities were well below the normal range with Madeleine and Rumaisa recording third and 10th percentile for growth respectively. However this had no effect on their language and motor skills with both reaching their developmental milestones at expected ages. Madeleine is an honors student at a US liberal arts college.
Writing in the report, lead researcher Jonathan Muraskas said, “”Most neonatologists consider a gestational age >25 weeks beyond the gray zone of viability and consider resuscitation obligatory on the ethical grounds of the 'best interests' of the newborn.”