Serena Williams has sought treatment at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles for a hematoma (blood clot due to hemorrhage) in one of her lungs.
The 29-year old tennis star, Serena Williams has sought treatment at
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles for a hematoma (blood clot due to
hemorrhage) in one of her lungs. This came a week after Ms. Williams was
diagnosed with a blood clot in her lungs during the treatment for a foot
Williams tells, "Thank you everyone for all of your prayers,
concerns, and support. This has been extremely hard, scary, and disappointing.
I am doing better. I'm at home now and working with my doctors to keep
everything under control. I know I will be okay, but am praying and hoping this
will all be behind me soon. While I can't make any promises now on my return
(to tennis), I hope to be back by early summer. That said, my main goal is to
make sure I get there safely."
Serena is recovering at her Los Angeles home under strict
medical supervision.