
Scots Put on Alert as Diabetes Cases Rise

Scots are at a high risk of developing diabetics. The number of people suffering from this disease is on the rise. Statistics show that in the next 25 years time one in 10 people in Scotland would suffer from diabetes. The Scottish Executives are keen on combating the disease. The action plan was launched by Health Minister Andy Kerr which mainly caters to the improved treatment and preventing measures.

So far the number of people diagnosed with the disease account to about 170,000 people. But this trend can be minimized persuading the scots to improve their diet and levels of regular exercise. The Action Plan would basically focuses on improving access to education and information, which would allow more people to manage the condition themselves. While on a visit to the Leith treatment centre in Edinburgh he said that healthy living education, early identification of the disease and delivering first-class services for those who have the condition would help in eradicating the disease.

There are two main types of diabetes. Type 1 develops in childhood, but Type 2 diabetes, which accounts for almost 90% of cases, usually occurs later in life and is more common in people who are obese. This action plan was welcomed by Professor Andrew Morris, lead clinician for diabetes in Scotland. Audrey Birt, director of Diabetes UK Scotland, added that diabetic patients should be given psychological support and proper care to handle their foot problems. The charity also launched a major new online guide which solves the confusion regarding dietary advice and food labelling.
