You can do away with dark inner thighs by avoiding excessive exposure to sun, wearing loose clothes and following a healthy lifestyle.

‘You can do away with dark inner thighs by avoiding excessive exposure to sun, wearing loose clothes and following a healthy lifestyle.’

* Wear loose clothes: Obese people tend to struggle with the problem of friction, sweating and swelling between their thighs, especially during a walk or exercise. By wearing loose and breathable clothes, you can combat this problem. Ignore fabrics like nylon, and inculcate a balanced diet and regular exercise in your routine to lose weight. 

* Consult a gynecologist: Some women have dark inner thighs only during monthly periods and at the time of pregnancy and lactation or in case of Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Consult a gynecologist or a skin specialist to control these hormone imbalances.
* Avoid excessive exposure to sun: Sun bathing and over exposure to harmful sun rays leads to dark inner thighs. Apply a mixture of lemon juice, honey on the affected area regularly.
* Avoid taking certain medicines: Certain medicines including oral contraceptives can cause dark inner thighs. Consult a physician as soon as you notice dark patches on your skin to control the issue in the initial stages.
* Follow a healthy lifestyle: A balanced diet and rigorous exercise will control problems like Acanthosis Nigricans. It is a medical condition that leads to discolouration, hyperpigmentation and dark patches with a thick velvety texture on the skin usually in the body folds.