Laughter can play key roles in group-communication and group dynamics - even when there's nothing funny going on, a new study has revealed.

Dr. Joann Keyton and Dr. Stephenson Beck of North Dakota State University were struck by the amount of laughter in the transcript.
Keyton notes that there is very little research on the role of laughter in communication, particularly when divorced from humour.
Analysis showed that laughter could be used as a tool, intentionally and strategically, to control communication and affect group dynamics.
For example, one juror was very vocal and made it clear early in the case that she was opposed to the death penalty. In one instance, when that juror agreed with other jury members, one of the other members said "She's so smart," resulting in laughter from other members of the group.
"When juries form, they don't know each other," Keyton said.
Even when a discussion merits no laughter - for instance when the jury couldn't decide whether a sentence related to one of the charges was for 30 days or 30 years - it led to widespread laughter.
"It is usually done in private, such as in corporate board meetings or judicial proceedings. But laughter is something that occurs frequently, and not only because something is funny. Nobody in the jury was laughing at jokes," she said.
The article is published in a special issue of Small Group Dynamics.