
Report: Pune Institute Tested Product Working Wonders on Ludhiana HIV/AIDS Victims

by Kathy Jones on Mar 7 2011 8:38 PM

It has emerged that a product tested by the Pune-based National Aids Research Institute (NARI) has worked wonders on patients suffering from HIV-AIDS.

 Report: Pune Institute Tested Product Working Wonders on Ludhiana HIV/AIDS Victims
It has emerged that a product tested by the Pune-based National Aids Research Institute (NARI) has worked wonders on patients suffering from HIV-AIDS.
According to NARI, the product "Natural Aid", which is manufactured by Nixon Biotech (P) Ltd., has been so effective that standard anti-retroviral therapy or ART, which is normally recommended for use for both adults and adolescents suffering from HIV/AIDS is being given a miss by some patients.

"Natural Aid" has also been found to be effective in treating tuberculosis, severe, diarrhea and fungal infections. It is a complete health package in itself.

For instance, a 34-year-old patient, who had complained of CD4, loss of weight and appetite, excessive salivation, tuberculosis and all other symptoms of HIV/AIDS, was written off as a lost case by doctors.

But, when the patient took the "Natural Aid" course, it was noticed that within ten days excessive salivation had stopped, there was a drop in temperature, an increase in appetite. ART was stopped, but ATT (for TB) continued. Within one month the patient's weight increased to 36.8 kg from 27 kg and she is now leading healthy life. She is earning for herself and is highly satisfied.

"I have got more benefits with the medicine "Natural Aid" of Nixon Biotech Pvt. Ltd. My weight increased by eight kilograms within a month. I had problems in my throat and fever. But after taking this medicine, I am feeling much better than before," the unnamed woman said.

Another patient, a 52-year-old ex-army man was bedridden for the last six months, with CD4 74 only and all symptoms of HIV/AIDS. He too had lost his appetite and his weight had dropped from 55 kilograms to 40 kilograms. He also complained of chst pain and loss of sleep.

He was given the "Natural Aid" package for 15 days from February 1, and is now relieved of all HIV/AIDS symptoms.

"I was very sick earlier, and there was even no chance of my survival. Then, I came to know about Nixon Biotech Private Limited and met Dr. Parveen Jain. I started with "Natural Aid" medicine, and now I am perfectly fine. I am able to walk now," the ex-soldier said.

A third patient, a 28-year-old woman who had lost her husband to HIV/AIDS, was not able to walk. A times, five of her relatives had to hold her and escort her to whereever she wanted to go. Today, with the help of "Natural AID", her HIV/AIDS related symptoms have vanished, and she is now farming her land. By Karan Kapoor












