Early detection of cancer can help increase life expectancy with up to 70% five year survival and good chances of cure in a substantial percentage.

‘Hepatitis C, Hepatitis B, Alcoholism, Obesity and fatty Liver make a person more prone to Liver cancer as it is fifth commonest cancer in the world.’

While sharing their experiences, experts said that if cancer is detected early, almost all patients can achieve benefits in terms of life expectancy with up to 70 percent five year survival and good chances of cure in a substantial percentage.

However, if detected late, then this five year survival drops to five percent.
Currently Liver cancer is fourth commonest cause of death in males and eighth commonest cause of death in females but actually it might be more rampant than this if correctly reported.
The only way to decrease the increasing incidence is life style modification and early initiation of antiviral therapies. Notably media reports suggested that Punjab has becomes home of Hepatitis C disease and it has readily increasing on the border state of northern part of India.
Experts also emphasized the need for better organ donation strategies as currently there is a long waiting list of patients waiting for cadaveric liver transplant. According to available information, currently about 2000 liver transplants happen in India with eighty percent from living related donors whereas in the western world, most transplants are cadaveric liver transplants.