A good many recent video games have begun equating religion with violence in their narratives.

The video games he studied were "Mass Effect 2," "Final Fantasy 13," "Assassin's Creed," "Castlevania: Lords of Shadow" and "Elder Scrolls: Oblivion". Perreault found that all of these video games problematize religion by closely tying it in with violence.
"In most of these games there was a heavy emphasis on a "Knights Templar" and crusader motifs," Perreault said.
"Not only was the violent side of religion emphasized, but in each of these games religion created a of problem that the main character must overcome, whether it is a direct confrontation with religious zealots or being haunted by religious guilt."
While Perreault observed a relationship between violence and video games, he does not believe video game developers are creating an intentional commentary on religion.
"It doesn't appear that game developers are trying to purposefully bash organized religion in these games," Perreault said.
The findings were presented at the Center for Media Religion and Culture Conference on Digital Religion.