Being overweight and obese could up your risk of giving birth to a premature baby, says a new study.

Dr. Sarah McDonald, associate professor in the Michael G. DeGroote School of Medicine's Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology found that overweight or obese women have a 30 per cent greater risk of induced preterm birth before 37 weeks and that risk climbs to 70 per cent for very obese women.
"Preterm birth and low birth weight are leading predictors of neonatal morbidity and mortality and morbidity or illness through childhood," said McDonald.
McDonald said the popular view that a pregnant woman is eating for two is not true.
"It's just not right. Typically, women should add about 300 calories a day - the equivalent of a large glass of milk and a piece of fruit - in the latter half of their pregnancy," she said.
"Family doctors, nurses, obstetricians, public health nurses, and dieticians are all important in delivering a consistent message.
The research appears in the latest issue of the British Medical Journal (BMJ).