
President Expresses Concern Over Effect of Climate Change on Herbs

Climate change may be adversely affecting several native herbs in the country, President Pratibha Devisingh Patil told delegates

Climate change may be adversely affecting several native herbs in the country, President Pratibha Devisingh Patil told delegates at the centenary celebrations of the All-India Ayurvedic Congress in New Delhi.

President Patil said that the herbs, which were being threatened, should be properly categorized and called on the National Medicinal Plants Board and the Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants to help in this process.

“The Ayurvedic medicines make intelligent use of herbs. Climate change is disturbing the ecological balance which is making herbs, used in Ayurvedic medicines, extinct. It is a big challenge for us,” she said, adding that serious efforts must be made in patenting Ayurvedic drugs.

"The manufacturers need to pay full attention to purity, quality and pharmacopian standards of the drugs,” she said. President Patil also added that unless patents were sought, Ayurveda would not be accepted as Indian knowledge.

