Lungs of preemies are always restricted compared to full-term babies despite receiving lug treatment at birth.

‘To detect respiratory problems associated with premature birth it is advised to monitor adults who were born premature for potential breathing problems like shortness of breath and they should be warned about the hazards smoking.’

Premature babies before 28 weeks gestation make up the most vulnerable subset. These babies are too frail and weak to breathe on their own. They often lack a lining in the lungs known as surfactant that keeps tiny air spaces called alveoli from collapsing with each exhalation.

When researchers examined data on about 300 extremely small, low birth weight babies, they found these early arrivals were much more likely to have small airway obstruction at ages 8 and 18 years, compared to a group of 260 otherwise similar babies who were born full-term and normal size.
“Since surfactant in healthy pregnancies is produced mostly after 34-35 weeks of pregnancy in the fetus, infants born before this time are more likely than babies born after 34-35 weeks to have surfactant deficiency, and hence breathing difficulty after birth,” said lead study author Dr. Lex Doyle, a pediatrics researcher at the Royal Women’s Hospital in Australia.
In the weeks immediately after birth, preemies often have difficulty breathing and digesting food. Some premature infants also encounter longer term challenges such as impaired vision, hearing, and cognitive skills as well as social and behavioral problems.
For the current study, Doyle and colleagues focused on infants born in 1991 to 1992. it was during the same period that synthetic and natural surfactants made of lipids and proteins became available in Australia to treat preterm infants. Doctors can inject liquid containing these surfactants directly into the air passages of the lung to improve breathing.
In addition, preemies who became smokers by age 18 also had worse lung function than preemies who never smoked, researchers report in the journal Thorax.
As preemies become adults, they need to make sure to alert doctors about their early arrival and be monitored for potential breathing problems, Doyle said.
“Knowledge that they were born preterm and any complications they had should be part of their medical history for life,” Doyle said. “They would, of course, also be wise not to smoke.”
Parents and children should also pay close attention to any shortness of breath, especially during exercise, said Dr. Marjaana Tikanmaki, a researcher at the National Institute for Health and Welfare and University of Oulu in Finland.
“It could be a sign of airway obstruction,” Tikanmaki, who wasn’t involved in the study, said by email. “Reversible airway obstruction, asthma, can be treated with regular inhaled corticosteroids and with salbutamol that opens small airways in acute shortage of breath.”