
Prejudice is Confronted Only When You Think the Other's Personality can Change

by Tanya Thomas on Jul 31 2010 10:42 AM

People confront someone making a prejudiced remark only if they think that others' personalities can change, according to researchers at Stanford University.

 Prejudice is Confronted Only When You Think the Other`s Personality can Change
Researchers at Stanford University have deemed that people confront someone making a prejudiced remark only if they think that others' personalities can change.
In one experiment, students (who were all ethnic minorities and/or women) were told they were going to discuss college admissions with another Stanford student over instant message. (The other student was actually a researcher.)

In the course of his messages, the student, a white sophomore named "Matt," suddenly made a statement that communicated bias.

He stated that he thought he had to be overqualified for college "because of the whole diversity admissions thing-so many schools reserve admissions for students who don't really qualify the same way."

The participant had a chance to respond to the biased statement, or not.

Participants who thought personalities could change were more likely to point out and disagree with the comment.

Two other experiments found that the same was true for a more blatantly prejudiced remark.

"Many people think of situations where confronting of prejudice happens as conflict situations. But if confronting of prejudice is an expression of belief that people can change, to me it suggests that there's profound hope in that act as well," said Dr. Aneeta Rattan.

Other research has found that confronting people with biased views in a direct, educational way can help them learn not to behave in a prejudiced way.

The implication is that if the bias was all that bad, the person would have confronted it.

This study suggests that people may have many reasons for not speaking up when they're the target of bias, including their own beliefs about personality.

"Maybe our standards should not start with the idea that all people want to speak up-it may depend upon their beliefs about personality," she said.

The research is published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science.










