Couples who make fun at each other, indicating humor, are more likely to last in their relationship, finds a new study.

‘Playfulness between romantic couples is a vital component in bonding and establishing relational security. Inside jokes are especially important as they affirm one's relationship through laughter.’

The study showed that inside jokes are particularly important because they affirm one's relationship through laughter, the Daily Mail reported. 

However, couples who share mean-spirited jokes with nasty jibes are unlikely to last, which indicates a problem in the relationship.
"Playfulness between romantic partners is a crucial component in bonding and establishing relational security," said Jeffrey Hall, Associate Professor from the University of Kansas in the US.
"Particularly shared laughter is an important indicator of romantic attraction between potential mates," Hall added.
The team examined more than 150,000 participants to determine how important humor is in a romantic relationship.
But, this does not mean that people who are funny or can make a joke out of anything would be more lucky in love.
However, couples should not go too far, Hall warned.
Importantly, having an aggressive sense of humor is a bad sign for the relationship in general, but it is worse if this style of humor is used in the relationship, the study noted.