Despite the progressive nature of Parkinson's disease, people living with it can expect to improve their physical condition by being more physically active.
Exercise should be a life-long commitment to avoid physical and cognitive decline. A new research now suggests that this is also true for individuals with Parkinson's Disease (PD).A comprehensive review published in the Journal of Parkinson's Disease confirms that people living with Parkinson's disease can benefit from being physically active, especially when it comes to improving gait and balance, and reducing risks of falls.
‘People living with Parkinson's disease can benefit from being physically active, especially when it comes to improving gait and balance, and reducing risks of falls.’
It concludes that health
professionals should be confident about prescribing physical activity to
improve the health and quality of life of PD patients.Christian Duval, Professor, Département des sciences de l'activité physique, Université du Québec á Montréal, Montréal, Québec, Canada, said, "Despite the progressive nature of the disease, people living with PD can expect to improve their physical condition by being more physically active."
Because PD prevalence will likely increase in future, in part due to life-extending treatments now available, interventions aimed at minimizing morbidity are crucial to reducing the strain on the healthcare system and improving the quality of life for PD patients. With both aging and living with PD associated with increased sedentary behaviors, these results should encourage patients to become more physically active and caregivers, and healthcare providers to facilitate these activities.
Investigators conducted an in-depth analysis of 106 studies conducted over the past 30 year, which resulted in a significant number of outcome measures - 868. This provides a clear picture of the current scientific knowledge regarding to the effects of physical activity on the health of people living with PD.
By grouping these outcomes into four main categories,
(1) physical capacities (eg. strength, flexibility),
(2) physical and cognitive functional capacities (eg. gait, mobility, cognitive functions),
(3) clinical symptoms of PD (eg. rigidity, tremor, posture alterations), and
(4) psychosocial aspects of life (quality of life and health management),
they could determine whether physical activity had a positive effect on each category. They further subdivided these categories into subcategories to look for specific benefits at a more granular level.
Some subcategories, such as upper limb strength, saw improvement in almost 67% of all studies. The results in subcategories of cognitive function were low, but the researchers note that there were only nine studies that measured cognitive improvement from PA for PD patients. This might indicate that further research in this area is needed.
"In addition, to confirm the positive role of physical activity for patients with PD, this study has identified areas in which more research is needed. As such it will serve as a guide for future investigations," added Jean-Francois Daneault, co-author and postdoctoral fellow at Harvard University.
Co-investigator Martine Lauzé, of the Center de recherche de l'Institut universitaire de gériatrie de Montréal, Montréal, Québec, Canada, added "Fortunately, studies show that all people may benefit from being more physically active, no matter their age and condition, it is never too late to start!"