Maharashtra Association of Resident Doctors' (MARD) launches a campaign for creating awareness on “Good Touch and Bad Touch” to prevent child sexual abuse.

‘Maharashtra Association of Resident Doctors' survey reveals that 60% females and 35% males have faced sexual abuse before the age of 15.

The survey revealed that among them, 53% were sexually abused at least once before the age of 15. The incidence of abuse was as high as 60% in female respondents and 35% in male respondents.

It also showed that only about 50% of the parents, who were aware of their child being abused, actually inquired into the matter. In almost all cases, the victims and their family had known the abuser.
"Since the offender was a family member, they wanted to keep things under the carpet. Among parents, only one spoke about their child being a victim of sexual abuse. For a sexual abuse victim, getting family support is a must. It leaves the child mentally traumatized and can also cause severe depression for a lifetime, " said MARD president Dr Sagar Mundada.
After this survey, MARD has decided to continue the campaign to create awareness about the importance of good touch and bad touch in children.
"We have decided to continue the campaign against child sexual abuse in January by distributing a booklet on good touch and bad touch to all those whose children are younger than 12 years and come to us," said Dr Mundada.
"This is being done with help of Dr Minakshi Bhosale, head of the pediatric surgery department at JJ hospital. The booklet will be helpful for both parents and children. It has simple ways to create awareness and help fight the menace. We need to recognise child sexual abuse, report it and prevent it," he added.