
OxyContin Robberies Cause Concern Among Pharmacists

by Kathy Jones on May 29 2010 8:14 PM

 OxyContin Robberies Cause Concern Among Pharmacists
Pharmacists in Canada have expressed concern following a spate of four robberies during which the perpetrator sought narcotic pain-reliever OxyContin.
CTV reports that Ken Zink was put on gunpoint while he was filling prescriptions at Ebelling Pharmacy in East Kildonan, "He came to the back, and presented a handgun, and told me it was a robbery, and pointed it at me and demanded OxyContin," Zink said. He added that they have now decided to ask people for their prescriptions so they can stock up only as much as needed.

Police spokesperson Natalie Aitken said they believe the same person is responsible for all the four robberies. "Obviously they're in need of this drug. Maybe that's their choice, or I don't know if they're stealing to sell it," she said.

Manitoba Pharmaceutical Association is recommending that pharmacies limit their stock of this pain killer.

