
Over Half of Bio-medical Waste Disposed With Municipal Garbage

by Rajshri on Apr 13 2010 7:28 PM

A recent study evaluating the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) has found that almost 50% of biomedical waste is being disposed off with municipal garbage.

“Presently 50 to 55 per cent of bio-medical wastes is collected, segregated and treated as per the Bio-medical Waste Management Rules. Rest are dumped with municipal solid wastes," the report alleged. The CPCB evaluation report was commissioned by the Union Ministry of Environment and Forests and was compiled by the Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow.

The horrific report comes even as people are questioning whether the radiation in the Mayapuri scrapyard came from hospitals. Traders exposed to that radiation are currently battling for their lives.

The issue is a massive one as in India 4.2 lakh kg of biomedical waste is generated on a daily basis, but there are just 157 facilities to treat the same.  Furthermore, of the 84,809 hospitals and healthcare facilities in India, only 48,183 are using either common biomedical waste treatment facilities or have commissioned private parties to take care of the same.

The report called on the government to exponentially increase the number of Common Bio-medical Waste Treatment Facilities in the country.

