A 'serious accident' during a drugs trial in France has left one person brain-dead and five hospitalized, Health Minister Marisol Touraine said Friday.

‘A 'serious accident' during a drugs trial of an oral medication being developed by a European laboratory in France has left one person brain-dead and five hospitalized, reported Health Minister Marisol Touraine.’

She said, "The six had been taking part in a trial of an oral medication being developed by a European laboratory in Rennes, northwest France." 

The minister said, "A serious accident took place. The study has been halted and all volunteers taking part recalled. The study was a phase one clinical trial, in which healthy volunteers take the medication to evaluate the safety of its use, tolerance and pharmacological profile of the molecule."
The Paris prosecutor's office said an investigation had been opened.
Touraine said that she was determined to shed light on what happened.