
No Progress Made in Giving Lifesaving Diarrhea Treatments for Kids

A new study says that even though low-cost diarrhea treatments are possible, there is a huge number of deaths among children due to the sickness

A new study says that even though low-cost diarrhea treatments are possible, there is a huge number of deaths among children due to the sickness, as nothing much has been done to implement certain life-saving techniques

In the analysis that featured in the October issue of Bulletin of the World Health Organization, researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health suggested that osmolarity oral rehydration salts (ORS) and zinc supplements are simple remedies to diarrhea.

The analysts studied the implementation of current treatment guidelines to realize that few countries were equipped to quickly adapt policies. While, most nations struggled to develop and maintain the recommended supplies.

Robert Black, MD, MPH, co-author of the article, chair and Edgar Berman Professor of International Health at the Bloomberg School, said: "Low osmolarity ORS and zinc are inexpensive, safe and easy to use and have the potential to dramatically lower diarrhea morbidity and mortality,"

"Many countries have changed diarrhea management policies to include low osmolarity ORS and zinc, but there is a significant gap between policy change and effective program implementation, leaving few children treated appropriately.

"In many countries, adopting child health policies is complex and the registration and importation of zinc supplements requires input from drug regulatory agencies and procurement officials, making it difficult to secure these necessary supplies."

In 2004 the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF released a joint statement recommending countries switch to a lower osmolarity formulation ORS and introduce zinc supplements for 10 to 14 days to decrease diarrhea deaths among children.

The recommendation came after scientific consensus that this treatment has the potential to reduce more than three quarters of all diarrhea associated deaths.

Diarrhea is still the second leading cause of death among children across the world, accounting for 18 percent of childhood deaths and 13 percent of all disability-adjusted life years.

Christa Fischer Walker, PhD, MHS, lead author of the analysis and an assistant scientist with the Bloomberg School's Department of International Health, said: "Of 68 priority countries, very few have zinc widely available and coverage within all countries is extremely limited. Ranked by leading global economists as one of the most cost-effective intervention for advancing human development, zinc supplementation in diarrhea management should be a top global health priority."










