
New York Couple Detect Pregnancy With Fitbit's Fitness Tracker

by Julia Samuel on Feb 10 2016 6:39 PM

The couple noticed consistent increased heart rate and felt that the device needs replacement but finally found that they were pregnant.

New York Couple Detect Pregnancy With Fitbit`s Fitness Tracker
Fitbit is a health and fitness wearable device that tracks daily physical activity, exercise, food, weight, sleep, and heart rates. But for one New York City woman, her Fitbit’s data also served as an unconventional pregnancy test.
The //woman’s husband posted on a Reddit thread that there was a problem with the device’s sensor, which he reported was “showing her heartbeat being consistently high over the last few days.”

Her resting heart rate would reach up to 110 beats per minute for a few days in a row. Meanwhile, according to the American Heart Association, a normal resting heart rate for adults ranges from 60 to 100 beats per minute.

“I’m not sure if something is wrong with the sensor,” David wrote in his Reddit post. “Is there a way to reset or recalibrate the device? I’d like to try that before I contact customer service about a possible replacement.”

One day she logged 10 hours in the fat burning zone, which would have been an impossible calculation based on her physical activity levels. While some Reddit users responded with warnings about the possibility of issues with the device’s new software update, one user asked if it was possible that his wife was pregnant.

In response to the possibility, they did a pregnancy test and confirmed with a visit to the doctor that she was one month pregnant. The couple didn’t know that a higher than normal heart rate was a symptom of pregnancy. Most people look for the commonly recognized signs of pregnancy, such as tender, swollen breasts, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, increasing urination, and food aversions.

According to Women’s and Children’s Health Network, during the first 12 weeks to 3 months of pregnancy, a woman’s body works harder, which causes increased heartbeat and breathing rate. Changes in blood production, metabolism, sense of exhaustion, and difficulties concentrating are also some of the earliest changes a pregnant woman’s body goes through.

