Researchers have discovered USP15 as a critical protein in cancer.

USP15 as a "Biological Thermostat" at the core of a TGFβ chain reaction
Dr. Seoane's team has unmasked the USP15 enzyme as activator of the TGFβ chain reaction. In tumors the USP15-TGFß axis is deregulated due to USP15 gene amplification leading to an aberrant TGFß activation.
USP15 acts by controlling and correcting the TGFβ activity in the same way that a thermostat regulates temperature. If the TGFβ activity is high, it reduces; and if it is low, it increases the TGFβ activity. USP15 therefore achieves optimal TGFβ activity.
Protein stability is regulated through the elimination or aggregation of ubiquitins, small proteins that establish which molecules need to be eliminated. This process is finely regulated by deubiquitinating enzymes (DUBs) such as USP15 which determine the correct level of a protein under certain physiological conditions. In this orchestrated manner, USP15 controls and adapts the TGFβ receptor stability and, therefore, the activity of the pathway.
The problem arises when, in some tumors, the USP15 gene is amplified due to genetic mutations and the enzyme is over produced. The thermostat breaks down and is therefore only sensing the "cold" resulting in the overactivation of the TGFβ pathway. Remarkably, this is not only a phenomenum of glioblastomas since the USP15 gene has also been found activated in other types of cancer such as breast or ovarian cancer.
DUBs (deubiquitinating enzymes): a novel avenue in therapeutic targets