PolyPhotonix has developed a solution that prevents a patient’s eyes from dark-adapting while the patient is asleep.

‘PolyPhotonix has developed a new device known as Noctura 400 Sleep Mask that can prevent a patient’s eyes from dark-adapting while the patient is asleep.’

PolyPhotonix has developed a solution that intervenes in this process by preventing a patient’s eyes from dark-adapting while the patient is asleep. Dark adaptation: the physical and chemical adjustments of the eye that make vision possible in relative darkness. These adjustments include dilation of the pupil and increased activity of rods in the retina.

The Noctura 400 Sleep Mask continuously shines light at the user’s closed eyelids. The color and brightness of this light successfully prevents the rods from dark-adapting. Thus the mask ensures the patient’s quality of sleep. The device is CE-approved and is currently undergoing Phase III clinical trials.