If you come to know the expenditure of families in 1862, you will stop complaining of the ever-rising inflation.

In 1862, a weekly basket of food, drink and household items would have cost 1,254.17 pounds in real terms.
This compares with 93.95 pounds today, according to analysis published by The Grocer magazine.
It took 33 items, such as a dozen eggs, hot chocolate, a toothbrush and a litre of sherry, and applied an average earnings measure of inflation to their 1862 prices.
The biggest changes were seen in fruit. Pineapple, for example, which cost 1.72 pounds this week, sold for 5s in 1862, estimated to cost 149 pounds in real terms.
"The reason food is so much cheaper in real terms today is that wages have gone up ten-fold over the past 150 years, while technological changes have made food from around the world readily available," said Elinor Zuke, a senior reporter at the magazine.
"Butter and lamb from New Zealand are a good example of how bringing food from different places has made it more available and hence cheaper," he stated.