
New Paper-based Sensor Can Provide Real-time Tracking of UV Exposure

by Iswarya on Oct 5 2018 2:45 PM

New Paper-based Sensor Can Provide Real-time Tracking of UV Exposure
New personalized and low-cost wearable ultraviolet (UV) sensors can warn users when their exposure to the sun has become dangerous, reports a new study. The findings of the study are published in the journal Nature Communications.
The paper-based sensor, which can be worn as a wristband, features happy and sad emoticon faces drawn in an invisible UV-sensitive ink that successively light up as you reach 25%, 50%, 75% and finally 100% of your daily recommended UV exposure.

The research team have also created six versions of the color-changing wristbands, each of which is personalized for a specific skin tone an important characteristic given that darker people need more sun exposure to produce vitamin D, which is essential for healthy bones, teeth and muscles.

