
New Method to Extract Therapeutic Proteins from Human Blood

by Chrisy Ngilneii on Jun 25 2018 5:36 PM

New Method to Extract Therapeutic Proteins from Human Blood
A new method to extract therapeutic proteins from human blood for treatments and vaccines has been developed at the university of Maryland and Baltimore County.
Personalized medicine has incredible potential, but current approaches are still too expensive and time-consuming to have a big impact. This study looks at how to extract cellular protein synthesis machinery from human blood, and, by adding recombinant DNA to the extract, to produce therapeutic proteins within two hours.

Govind Rao, director of the Center for Advanced Sensor Technology, and professor of chemical, biochemical, and environmental engineering at UMBC, and one of the authors of the paper, describes this research as a milestone in personalized medicine. He notes that his team's goal is to "allow anyone's blood to be used to make medicines, treatments, and vaccines specifically for them."

The complete study is published in Scientific Reports.

