The National Food Security Act (NFSA), 2013, aims at providing food grains at a subsidized rate to the people of the country.

‘The Manipur Government has given top priority to the National Food Security Act (NFSA), 2013, and promised to work for the timely distribution of foodgrains.’

Speaking on the occasion, the Chief Minister said that the NSFA was passed by the Parliament in September 2013, but could not be implemented in maximum states, including Manipur, due to extra financial involvement in implementing the Act. He further mentioned that 84 percent of the total population is eligible for the Act as per 2011 census. 

To start with, 75 percent will be able to avail the benefit while the remaining others will be provided the benefits of the Act soon. The National Food Security Act (NFSA), 2013, aims at providing food grains at a subsidized rate to the people of the country.
"Ration card has been done mostly in the hill areas and in the valley also it has been done in some parts. It is under the process of distribution so as soon as the distribution will be done; the rice will be distributed because rice cannot be distributed in one or two days. The distribution of rice will take may be coming 15 days," said M.H. Shah, Principal Secretary, Consumer Affair Food and Public Distribution.
Under this provision, a consumer will get five kg of rice in a month at the rate of Rs. three per kg and flour at Rs. two per kg. The Antyodya Anna Yojana (AAY) card holders can avail 35 kg of rice per month. The scheme will cover 87 percent of the population. The Manipur Government has given top priority to the National Food Security Act (NFSA), 2013, and promised to work for the timely distribution of foodgrains.
"To make available all the foodgrains for the public, the fair shop will remain open for a month. I don't know the exact rate as of now, but I will distribute them with the same rate given by the government," said Basera, a fair price shopkeeper.