If the proposal of NKF is accepted by Indian Sports Ministry, there might be a new genre of the sports for those who receive or donate body organs.

As per estimates, every year about 4 lakh people are diagnosed with kidney failure. Whereas, the number of kidney donors is very less. Hence, the gap of increasing number of patients and limited number of donors has been widening year on year.
As part of awareness programmes, Narmada Kidney Foundation organizes Transplant Games every year which invites kidney donors and recipients from across the country. This year, the winners may also get to participate in the World Transplant Games to be organized in August 2015 in Argentina.
Dr Bharat Shah said, “We will sponsor the expenses for participation of winners at Transplant Games. This is for recognizing their service and encouraging more to join this humanitarian cause. We have written to Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and Ministry of Youth Affair and Sports, Government of Indiato officially come into the picture and recognize the event.”
Global Hospitals Group, a chain of multi-specialty tertiary care Hospitals in India, have been a consistent supporter of the cause of Organ Donation. The Group has carved out a niche for itself by excelling in areas of multi-organ transplantation services for kidney, liver, heart, lungs and pancreas. The Group is one of Narmada Kidney Foundation’s consistent supporters.
Speaking on the occasion of Transplant Games, Mr. Manpreet Sohal, CEO, Global Hospitals, Mumbai & Hyderabad said, “We are proud to be associated with Narmada Kidney Foundation in their endeavour to help kidney patients and create awareness about organ donation. In a country like ours where a number of patients die because of want of organs, nothing could be nobler than pledging our organs and adding more to patients’ lives.”