
Nanoplug Fits Precisely into the Ear Canal - Almost Invisible

by Vani Pradeep on Dec 22 2014 3:20 PM

Over the years, there has been continuous research on hearing aids.

Nanoplug Fits Precisely into the Ear Canal - Almost Invisible
Over the years, there has been continuous research on hearing aids. Wireless capabilities, algorithms, miniaturization and nano-technology have made it possible to create the world’s smallest hearing aid that is almost invisible. The Nanoplug is a revolutionary aid for people with mild to moderately severe loss of hearing. It is in between the size of a rice grain and a coffee bean.

Advantages of Nanoplug:

The Nanoplug has its advantages. It is suitable to be used with mobile phones, adjustable in the home atmosphere and is most affordable. The aid helps you retain the secret of your hearing loss.

The equipment has been specifically designed keeping in mind lifestyle factors and affordability. Nanoplug has Acous-Tap technology that allows the person to make upto 4 personalized, custom settings. This will help balancing the sounds around. Since the aid is positioned inside the ear canal, using a mobile phone wouldn’t be an issue. It has a flexible sleeve, which helps with a perfect fit. The aid makes perfect fit for all ages of people and sizes of the ear canal.

Nanoplug amplifies sound in a way that you hear everything with clarity. The risk of wind noise and internal feedback is reduced due to the equipments positioning in the ear. Simply with a pat, the personal settings in the equipment can be changed to adapt to present situations. No venting and no occulation are required with the device.

Nanoplug Composition:

The aid has micro-components and nano-battery, which is the secret to its size. The Nanoplug has tremendously high surface to volume ration that provides instant recharge. The batteries are free from heavy metals and toxic chemicals. The battery provides 138.888 hours of runtime.

Hearing Aid Programmer:

Nonoplug is programmable at home. Getting the hearing aid programmer helps in programming the aid to suit individual needs.












