
Mothers' are Their Own Worst Enemies

by Sheela Philomena on May 9 2011 10:40 AM

Working and non-working mums' are their own worst enemies, reveals survey.

 Mothers` are Their Own Worst Enemies
Working and non-working mums' are their own worst enemies, reveals survey.
While working mums are labelled as uncaring, and as worrying more about work than the progress of their children, those who chose to give up work for home life aren't winning either.

A new survey shows 40 per cent of non-working mums feel stigmatised for staying at home, while 58 per cent of working mums feel labelled as not taking parenting seriously enough, reports the Courier Mail.

The annual survey also found other mums were their own worst enemies, with almost one third of working mothers saying they were made to feel guilty about their choices by other mums.

Labour participation has steadily increased over the past decade and now an increasing number of women are returning to work just a few weeks after birth.

More than one in 10 women were back at work before their babies were three months old, while 44 per cent waited until the baby turned one before returning to paid employment, an Australian Institute of Family Studies report found in 2008.

Financial pressures, love of the job and a feeling they would get overlooked forced women back behind the desk, the report said.

