Health authorities issue warning on monkeypox outbreak. Monkeypox, which is closely related to smallpox, has spread throughout west and central Africa over the last ten years, with six countries reporting cases, compared to just two countries twenty years ago.

‘Health authorities are issuing warning against the global spread of a rare virus that causes a disease called “Monkeypox.”’

According to World Health Organisation, monkeypox is a rare disease affecting people in Central and West Africa. It is similar to smallpox and the virus is transmitted from various wild animals such as the rope squirrel or sooty mangabey but can also be spread between humans.

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that there have been more monkeypox cases reported during the past decade than in the preceding forty years. It also describes monkeypox as “emerging zoonosis.”
The warning issued by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) warning targets several countries in Africa. The disease is most prevalent in the Democratic Republic of Congo where more than 1000 cases are recorded within a year since 2016.
The number of cases reported from other regions of Arica includes the Central African Republic (19 cases), Liberia (2 cases), Nigeria (more than 80 cases), Republic of Congo (88 cases) and Sierra Leone (one case).
The organization reports multiple concerns that are making the control of the disease difficult, which includes the fact that many of the countries affected lack the knowledge, experience, and facilities to respond quickly to outbreaks. This increases the likelihood that the virus will continue to spread.