A Mexican woman underwent a surgery at a hospital in the western city of Guadalajara to become the first woman in Latin America to receive ovaries transplantation.

"The ethics committee of the Public Hospital of Paris made an evaluation and decided at her request to cryopreserve her ovaries because her idea was not only to recover her hormonal function but also her reproductive function," he said.
He added that the ethics committee determined that the woman's chances of survival and making a complete recovery were good, and she was released from the hospital 18 months ago.
Since the French physicians did not have the proper training to perform the transplant, and given that she is Mexican, they recommended that she contact the Mexican Infertility Institute.
Ruvalcaba said that the Institute took on the task of reimplanting the woman's ovarian tissue back into her body.
"A week ago we did a ... laparoscopy to identify the site where we were going to implant the tissue, and today we successfully performed the transplant," he said.
"Today we're proving that in Mexico we have all the tools of First World countries," he said.