It has emerged that many Malaysian men have been busted for hiring themselves out as husbands to foreign women who need a pass to remain in the country.

"We get suspicious when a much older man marries a young foreigner," the Star Online quoted Perak Immigration department director Mohamad Shukri Nawi as saying.
"This is especially so if the man's occupation is listed as rubber tapper or fisherman," he stated.
He also revealed that his officers have come across several cases where men admitted their marriage was a sham.
"There were times when women arrested at nightspots would furnish us with a so-called marriage certificate. But when the husband turns up to claim the wife, he eventually admits the marriage is just a cover," he said.
Asked about the fate of the foreign women in such marriages of convenience, Mohamad Shukri said their passes would be revoked and they would be deported.