
Maturity Key Trait in a ‘Perfect Boss’

by Kathy Jones on Aug 29 2012 9:25 PM

 Maturity Key Trait in a ‘Perfect Boss’
Maturity is seen as the most important trait required in the ‘perfect boss’, according to a new survey appearing in the Age.
A study published last month by the University of Haifa found that executives in their 50s discharge their duties with the most passion, vigour and confidence.

But their younger counterparts can also have what it takes. Dynamic leaders in their 20s are frequently seen in the fast moving high tech and advertising sectors.

The first trait of a great boss is understanding the purpose of the organisation and being committed to its goals, followed by setting goals as bosses who don't have a vision or strategy and a goals list to match are on the highway to nowhere.

The best bosses are those who enjoy collaboration and working in a team, says Team Leaders founder and Fairfax blogger James Adonis.

They are able to tell people exactly what they're meant to be doing and make sure to create an environment that's fun, even if the work is dull.

A good boss remains even-tempered and resilient and don't inflict their moods on staff, even when things aren't going their way.

Good bosses don't operate by making one rule for the masses and another for Susie in accounts who has the manager's ear.

They understand the importance of recognition. When they think someone's done a great job, they let them know.

Great bosses don't know it all but they're always willing to learn, and keep learning. As well as formal studies, they tap into networks and seek out mentors who can help them fill in the blanks.

Lastly, top bosses see part of their role in helping staff get better at their work. They're willing mentors and are happy to promote the promising up-and-comings.

