The use of marijuana has been legalized in Alaska, which became the third American state to legalize the drug after Colorado and Washington.

However, Alaska still must pass rules governing the sale of marijuana, and for now adults are only allowed to "give" another adult up to an ounce of marijuana - and up to six plants.
Governor Bill Walker this week introduced legislation to create a Marijuana Control Board that would regulate marijuana sales similar to how alcohol is controlled, "while protecting the health and safety of all Alaskans," according to a press release.
While marijuana remains illegal under federal law, 23 states have allowed it for medical use and many other states are considering legislation to legalize it. According to a recent report by the Arc View market research group, 14 more US states will legalize recreational marijuana by 2020.
Voters in November supported legalizing the drug in Oregon, where the new law is due to take effect July 1. The nation's capital Washington DC has also voted to legalize pot but the US Congress, which has jurisdiction because DC is not a state, is trying to block the move.
Colorado's neighbors, Oklahoma and Nebraska, filed a lawsuit in the US Supreme Court in December protesting that the western state's legalization of marijuana was harming them.