
Many Kids Addicted to Social Media

by Rajshri on Apr 24 2010 9:50 PM

A new study has shed light on the alarming rise of internet dependency with more and more students admitting their addiction to social media and text messaging.

Researchers from University of Maryland selected 200 students and asked them to boycott internet and text messaging for 24 hours. After the time period, researchers observed withdrawal symptoms among majority of the students including craving and anxiety along with an inability to function properly.

The students were also asked to write their experiences regarding the experiment and almost all of the students admitted that going offline meant losing connection with their friends. “We noticed that what they wrote at length about was how they hated losing their personal connections. Going without media meant, in their world, going without their friends and family”. Said Susan Moeller who is the director of the “24 Hours: Unplugged” project.  

