
Many Children Do Not Approve of Parental Smoking

Government research has found that at least nine out of ten children disapprove of their parents smoking and think it is uncool.

The figures from the NHS Information Centre says that a survey of 1,000 children aged between eight and 13 found that almost 96 percent wanted their parents to stop smoking and that most were ready to give up pocket money for them to do so.

“You are four times more likely to quit if you use the free NHS stop smoking service. The facts are clear – every week 2,000 people die from smoking-related diseases, which has a devastating effect on children’s lives," said Gillian Merron, Public Health Minister

Professor Terence Stephenson, President, Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) said the research was significant and that parents needed to think about the effects of smoking in front of their children.

